Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day and we love our country!!!

To an American Soldier -

Thank you for fighting for me, my family and friends, even though we may never meet. Your selfless sacrifice is too often times taken for granted or forgotten.

Thank you for believing in our great country and fighting to keep her free. In some countries you are told what to believe, how to act, living in fear, tyranny and torture.

Thank you for the freedom to choose where I will work, live and who I'll be. In many countries people are told or forced to serve their country, forced to have a certain career, forced to live in a certain place. Americans have a choice.

Thank you for the freedom to travel, for fast food restaurants and grocery stores. Many countries ration gas, and automobiles are a luxury, while we Americans can come and go as we please and buy a car and gasoline. In some countries people will wait in a long line and spend a week's wages for an over-priced loaf of bread or piece of meat to feed their family, or worse yet, wait in line for foreign aid workers to give them their family's portion of rice and water. We just have to wait in a check-out line.

Thank you for the freedom to worship. No matter my faith, I can find churches, cathedrals, synagogues and temples to worship God. In foreign lands, my beliefs are illegal and even punishable by death.


Total Fatalities   6,013

Operation Iraqi Freedom: 4,442
Operation Enduring Freedom: 1,571

30% are ages 18-21

In the World War II generation, about 16 million served in the armed forces.
More than 3 million World War II veterans are alive. About 1,000 die each day.
                      GOD BLESS those that served!!! 


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Windy days and interesting recipes from old!!!

Well as for getting this gardening done here, I am sure to be one of the last, but alas will try!! Wind, rain, wind...haha

I ran across something of interest, even though I am NOT a great cook and not all those fancy dinings!  This is from a book called "Their last suppers..legends of history and their last meals" and the recipes are included.  Got this on kindle FREE list for those that have this amazing device that I just love! 
 I wanted to share one for now as I was reading that was dated from 1872, honeyed cakes:

  8 tbsp butter
4 cups flour
3 tbsp superfine sugar
2 tbswp honey
1  1/2 tbsp baking powder
1 egg yolk
1 whole egg + one white of the egg, lightly beaten
1 cup milk

For honey topping:  
1 cup heather honey
3 tbsp almonds blanched and ground

In a bowl, rub the butter into the flour.  In another bowl add the milk.
In saucepan over low heat, gently heat the sugar and honey until well mixed.  Then stir in the baking powder.  Alternatively, add the honey mixture, the eggs, and the milk to the flour, mixing the ingredients very well.  Add pinch salt and put the resulting dough on floured board; roll very lightly to about 1/2 inch.
  Cut into about 24 rounds.  Place rounds on buttered baking ray in preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until brown.  Remove cakes to rack.  Put rack of cakes in 250 degree oven for no longer than 5 minutes to set.  Cakes served hot or cold.

 For a "Newer" version there is one HERE from all recipes.
Some other fun things on those menus:
Cleopatra liked EEL with basil leaves, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil..
Abraham Lincoln's last meal in the white house was of clear mock turtle soup using oxtail, roast Virginia fowl with chestnut stuffing, baked yams and cauliflower with cheese sauce.
   I will have to share more as I move on!!!
Happy Windy Thursday and always be thankful to our awesome God who blesses us all each day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Guilt and the cancer

Sometimes I am at a loss for words--you know the times when there are none to say and for which the thoughts take over and over, until guilt as nasty as it is come nipping in over the heart.

  We have all had whether we are mothers, fathers, children, neighbors..but what we do with it is the difference.  I was reading an article that it is only in YOUR head..that is right and people will weigh you down to make themselves feel better.  Guilt is like a cancer spreading to the mental and emotional aspects of life and taking your power and livelihood.
Others do try to make you feel guilty as that is what THEY are feeling and throwing that anger at you--not dealing with it themselves.  How easy to pass the blame and anger to others instead of quietly resolving it within and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  I know satan knows my weaknesses and that is one, when the shards of glass are thrown for not doing what THAT person thought I should. Yes that powerful, cunning satan knows he can get me down to my knees in insult..and when we are down there we better PRAY!

 God bless you all that may be wrapped in the warfare of guilt by others and let it go, lest it destroy you as guilt and bitterness can. Renew the mind, seek upward and onward we keep going..

Saturday, May 21, 2011

FLY DAY today --and some good weather

1940 Waco entirely rebuilt 1989

getting ready for take off

the plane!! Trent does get to have the controls!

with the awesome pilot and dad

some other planes

and others

and others!! alot of fun at the Blake airport today

Another visitor seen today!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My vintage familiy photos~~God bless our history!

  I love all vintage photos whether I know the people or not, well I dug out a few of mine today and we look at those faces wondering just what they went through in their days, how their lives unfolded...the mysteries!  the first one below is my favorite..

 I also have some of a beloved neighbor that passed away years ago and kept his military history secret from all of us..he was a wonderful gentleman..Ray H...

The crew over at the Pyramids                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keeping up in the storms of life


I just seen on the news that almost 124,000 people are registered in Colorado for marijuana use right now and this is bothersome in knowing there is also a link shown when using it to that of psychosis,so am wondering what these current users may have happen in the next decade.  
  I am seeing a family member go through the hell of schizophrenia/psychosis at the time and trying to get treatment for it.  In also contemplating that the fact of what we do to our bodies in what we ingest, such as drugs, you think that has no effect eventually?  
  Mental disease is one of the saddest disorders, in my opinion, for the one who suffers as well as the ones that try to help and can only watch their loved one turn into another person at times.  It is a crushing, ripping and tearing of the heart that can leave permanent scars, lest you be careful not to harbor guilt, resentment and bitterness on yourself for the anger, frustration, tears over this.  I have figured I can only do so much; the person is not theirselves, and that I can't control their behavior.  Even if I have to walk away or put the phone down, to keep my sanity and health is important as I myself can't deal with too many conflicting emotions flying without that stress eating me alive.  
  I have autoimmune disease of the thyroid that when stress of any kind is around, then it flies into another drive of overdoing the system.  Migraines, pain, hernia is other things my body fights and gets mad when I am paying attention to a long list of turmoil.
  When you are caregiving of any kind, you realize that through the tears, strains and storms you will rise above it for the better.
 What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!!!!
Humor helps with a great cup of comfort tea..I suggest that sleepytime and the the tension tamer tea with the wonderful dragon on the front from Celestial.
  Keep yourself well, calm, enjoy the things you like to do and take time for self with friends or people that lift you up and DON'T feel guilty for it.  
 So grab some chocolate, or cookies, or fudge...I love candles I had that smelled like chocolate!!! I had to be careful not to eat it!
Love to friends and family of which I am richly blessed! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Still snow on mountains here, How crafty are some people!!!

  RAIN today and winds in the mountains of Colorado..yes we still have snow up there on them hills!!! Praises for the moisture as God knows what we all need, and the weeds are certainly showing greatness!  
 For the blessings of talents, we know someone who does this awesome wood work here in the little ruralness of America and loved this one:
                   All from one piece of wood!!!!

My great find of the day was an interesting rock that looked like a shell had been fossiled in it, I love rock and collecting them, seeing the river rocks and the smoothness they have, as they start rough and end polished--like what we go through in the storms of life, even if it is for years, the turmoils can polish us in all sorts of ways..Bless the polishing!!! 
 And alas the dog  of the house went for a car ride and used the floor as his rest when I forget his leash--look at him giving me the eye because I did!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Prescription drug overuses are rampant and needs awareness


I am unfortunately writing this post from a personal standpoint that has taken some forethought in putting down here.  It is to warn the friends and families of loved ones out there that when anyone gets prescriptions from a DR. to stay on the prescribed doses, and to know that these are just as addicting and habit forming as street drugs.  These pills can shape lives into a tangled mess where the web has been spun into a whole defeated structure of loved ones in the wait.  
  A  church member this morning said her niece just died from overdose of pain pills, and there are MANY silent stories of those struggling, those watching and waiting for things to get better. 
  It is something to warn your teens about in the experimental time of life when kids use anything for the 'high' or 'numbing of life'.  It is a subject to talk about with your spouses, friends, parents whenever they take a pill.  They think because it has a Dr.s ok then nothing can go wrong!  The side effects of mixing with other drugs is even more disastrous.
  Look up prescriptions online or get an up to date book that lists the warnings AND be aware of them.
  For example, "a widely abused drug is oxycontin and  is readily available by prescription to anyone who has undergone major surgery or sustained a major injury, which increases the potential for misuse. Often, teens will get their hands on oxycontin for the first time because their parents or another relative or friend keeps leftover oxycontin after they've stopped taking it. Because the medication wasn't prescribed for them and they aren't aware of the risks, teens may abuse the leftover prescription and quickly become addicted."   link of info HERE

  Kids as young as 12 are using with increasing numbers of abuse happening over all age groups.  The National Institute of Drug abuse has more helpful info here.  Please check these out. 
    In 2009, more than twice as many people died from prescription drug abuse in Colorado than from drunk driving. 

  Alex Hunter of Colorado's twenty year old son died when he took pain pills with alcohol last year and was warning every parent of keeping the drugs put up the same way you would a gun. 
"I had (OxyContin) in my medicine cabinet. I wasn't using it at the time. I was sloppy about it, so now I've got my story as well as John's," he said. "People need to understand just how potent this stuff is."  news article HERE 

  IF YOU have a problem, please, please bring this out in the open before you are too late.  Talk to your loved ones, this shows a sign of strength, not weakness....


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday wanderings and brain mush

The awesome sun is blessing us today and the wind is stirring up some promises of either passing storms, or more sunshine!
  I have to reflect on the last week and wonder that at times God shines me some victories, some boredom, stillness and some trying times that I honestly could not on my own deal with in working through them.  I am fortunate to be blessed by the surroundings of prayer from beautiful friends I adore!! 
  As I look unto the sufferings of Jesus and what His life was in enduring the moments He went through and that We are always being held by God, I realize that these life lessons are there for OUR maturity in the walk with Christ and to see them as nothing less.  He brings you closer at these challenging times when you you get smothered by the bleakness, blankness and despair.  The tears shed are known one by one by the ONE that cares for us daily and every moment of our lives.  
  We keep standing victory over the evil strongholds that  try to weigh us away from peace in God.  
  I got to reflect today when my son and I were wondering by the park and looking at the rocks I love with their designs and the smoothness of the ones washed by the roughness of the water..we also have to go through the rough times to get more polished and shine!!!  AND he always brings LOVE...these little tiny rocks were reminders today I found...
 LOVE and blessings to all friends and family near and far and please know how special you each are!  You are diamonds!  Shine on! 

  P.S.  NEVER carry a grudge--they are so powerful they WILL end in slowly killing you, learn to release past mistakes and forgive others.  It is important for your health.  The only person you are hurting is yourself!  I have seen people to this very day harbor terrible hatred that turned to bitterness that fed that grudge to that suicide that eats you away.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keep the wind in your sails through the storms

  Funny how things can change in an instant and you are left with the breath gone and standing in the boat where the storms are raging all around.  Of course we sometimes stand in panic or fear instead of holding to faith as looking to God.  I  can never forget the times when these ER visits bring a grief and helplessness in the waves of sleep deprivation or frustration.  Counting the floor tiles becomes comfort as in remembering that God is always in control even if I am not!  I am thankful for friends that bring the support of prayer during these times, they surround us when we feel we can't.  
 Be thankful in all friends--the storms will be still eventually!!